Bindle and recycling towards a brighter future

This Friday 18 March, Bindle will be hailing all #RecyclingHeroes and applauding their wonderful work on Global World Recycling Day.

On only the 5th anniversary since the inaugural World Recycling Day, Bindle is championing the cause and celebrating the many ways in which Bindle has elevated its recycling practices.

Bindle is officially B Corp Certified – one of the highest recognitions when it comes to responsible and sustainable business. Part of our mission is to reduce our carbon footprint through improved business processes. While the whole team is on board, we’re proud to profile Sarah – our Warehouse Warrior and Recycling Goddess – and rebranding her our #RecyclingHero on Global World Recycling Day.

Here’s just a snapshot of the wonderful work our Recycling Goddess reigns over on a weekly basis:

* Rubbish separation into FOUR categories – paper recycling, cardboard recycling, soft plastics recycling and general rubbish (which is always the least full)

 * All cardboard flattened and collected weekly by Visy recyclingSoft plastics are dropped to Redcycle weekly.

 * All excess packaging and packaging received is reused, such as bubble wrap, paper stuffing and biodegradable packing pellets (as fun as it is to watch them melt in the sink).

 * All food waste goes into the Bokashi compost bin and comes out as a soil amendment which adds nutrients and improves soil texture

 * Recycling and sustainable practices are a permanent agenda item in our Ops meeting.

    For a long time, our gift boxes and tissue paper have been 100% circular, eco-friendly and can be composted or recycled after use. Our shipping cartons and tape are made from recycled materials. The buck doesn’t stop with us though. We’re not shy to suggest packaging amendments to our suppliers in order to reduce waste and we take into account, and hold to account, packaging sustainability when selecting new products. Because if not us, then who?

    Tongue in cheek aside, Global World Recycling Day exists because our earth is depending on it. If we don’t make significant and rapid changes, global warming will see the melting of the ice cap, more adverse weather events, resulting in both floods and fire, and the disappearance of natural habitats and resources.

    Global Recycling Day was created to help recognise, and celebrate, the importance recycling plays in preserving our primary resources and securing the future of our planet.

    So on Friday March 18 pull your cape on and become a #RecyclingHero. There is simply too much at stake not to.

    Want to learn more about Bindle?
    Since 2012, Bindle has blossomed from a “corner in the room” hobby, to a warehouse operation. We're dedicated to sourcing local products and sharing them with the world. Learn more about how we got started.
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